Friday, January 25, 2013

Brochures Help Spread the Word!

After talking with many people about the benefits of our discount prescription cards, I have found that I am asked the same questions time and time again. Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? How much does it cost? How much will I save? Who can use it?  What is the expiration date? People are skeptical about everything that is labeled “FREE” nowadays and need a lot of information before they decide to get involved with anything that could obligate them or separate them from their hard earned money. I can’t say I blame them, the scams and cons today are endless. In my internet travels to find the right business opportunity; I have encountered more scams than I care to share. One good thing that came out of all my exploits is the ability to recognize a real opportunity from a fly by night, get rich quick scheme. So believe me when I tell you that this business opportunity is different. It will not make you rich financially, but it does have substantial value not only for the card distributor, but for the card user as well. So if your goal is to make money while you help people save money, this is great opportunity for you. If you are not interested in a business opportunity at this time, help someone by just printing a card and keeping in your purse or wallet to pass along to a friend, relative or loved one who may be in need of it. They will be glad to receive this discount card and you will feel rewarded by giving it.

 Now, in light of all the repetitive questions, we have created this brochure.

I hope this will help to give a much clearer view of the prescription discount card’s benefits and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the program. Want us to mail you one? Visit us at and click on the "Order Cards" tab. Thanks for reading this blog!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

It’s a new year! Time to help more, do more, be more! 
Are you up for the challenge? Why sure you are!

The word is slowly but surely spreading about the benefits of this prescription discount program and I have received many expressions of gratitude from people all across the country that have used it. Still there are many, many people that are unaware that these cards exist, therefore there is still a need to inform every American that free prescription cards are available to everyone, not just seniors or children. So I look forward to this task in the coming months as I continue to spread the word about these helpful discounts to the masses. Why? Because there is no greater reward or feeling you can receive than to hear that you have helped someone and made their day a little brighter.

So keep those emails coming as they are the best motivator ever!

 You know a lot of people make New Year’s Resolutions…. To lose weight……make more money…..become more social.

How about a resolution to help one person you don’t know this year? It just might be rewarding!  Are you up to the challenge? Get a free prescription discount card here.