Sunday, October 12, 2014

Covering the "Doughnut Hole" in Medicare Part D

If you aren’t familiar with Medicare, it is a health insurance program for people 65 or older, people under 65 with certain disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure). People with Medicare have the option of paying a monthly premium for outpatient prescription drug coverage. This pre
scription drug coverage is called Medicare Part D.

In 2010, basic Medicare Part D coverage works like this:

You pay out-of-pocket for monthly Part D premiums all year.You pay 100% of your drug costs until you reach the $310 deductible amount.

After reaching the deductible, you pay 25% of the cost of your drugs, while the Part D plan pays the rest, until the total you and your plan spend on your drugs reaches $2,800.

     Once you reach this limit, you have hit the coverage gap referred to as the “doughnut hole,” and you are now responsible for the full cost of your drugs until the total you have spent for your drugs reaches the yearly out-of-pocket spending limit of $4,550.

After this yearly spending limit, you are only responsible for a small amount of the cost, usually 5% of the cost of your drugs.

 If you are experiencing a loss of prescription coverage due to the “Doughnut Hole” gap, please visit us at and print our free prescription discount card. It provides savings of up to 85% on prescription medications for you & your pets.

 No personal information is necessary, just print the card and present it to the pharmacist. Over 63,000 participating pharmacies. No exclusions and everyone qualifies to use our free prescription card. Get yours today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fall Prevention

Medication and Fall Prevention


MedicationMany older adults take multiple medications to treat health conditions. Taking four or more medications significantly increases the risk for falling because there are a greater number of side effects associated with multiple medication use and the side effects are often more intense. Interactions between medications can also cause side effects. Furthermore, medications react differently in the body as a person ages which can increase the risk for falling.

Tips For Safe Medication Use
Download a Medication LogKeep a list of all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, as well as all dietary and herbal supplements that you are taking, and show this list to each doctor and pharmacist you visit.
If you take 4 or more medications, talk to your doctors about possibly reducing the number of medications in order to reduce your risk of falling
Ask if a newly prescribed medication or supplement replaces something else, is an addition to your other medications, or interacts with anything else you are taking.
Take your medications as labeled, whether prescription or over-the-counter.
Remember to monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, or blood sugar at home, as recommended by your physician.
Report any side effects of your medication to your doctor.
Remember that alcohol interacts with many medications, often making the adverse effects of the medications worse.
Share this information with family members and/or other caregivers.
Talk with your doctor(s) and pharmacist(s) about any concerns.

Minimize Drug Side Side Effects
› Blood Pressure
› Angina
› Parkinson's Disease
› Urine Output
› Constipation
› Heart Rate and/or   Rhythm
All can cause blood pressure to become too low, especially when getting up quickly from sitting or lying down, causing dizziness, fainting;
Additionally, mineral loss from diuretics (water pills) and over use of laxatives can also cause weakness, especially in leg muscles;
Heart rate can become too slow or regular rhythm is not maintained with the last group of medications.
Stand up slowly after sitting or lying down. If lying down, sit up first, remain seated for a few minutes, then stand slowly.
If possible, monitor blood pressure and heart rate at home.
› Emotional   Problems
Involuntary muscle movements, low blood pressure when getting up quickly from sitting or lying down, and effects on heart rhythm can cause drowsiness, imbalance and lack of coordination, slowing of reactions, dizziness, and confusion.
› Allergies/Cold   Symptoms
› Anxiety
› Depression
› Pain
› Sleep problems
Can cause drowsiness, confusion, slowing of reactions, imbalance and lack of coordination, especially if taking medicine from more that one of these groups.
Avoid over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines (also found in some OTC sleep aids) if possible. Do not take more than one type of pain or anti-inflammatory medication unless specifically directed by your doctor. Do not mix with alcohol.
› Ulcers or Excess   Stomach Acid
Can cause dizziness, drowsiness, confusion.
› Blood Sugar
Blood sugar can become too low causing confusion, weakness, fainting.
Monitor blood sugars as directed. Keep an appropriate source of sugar handy.
› Blood Clotting   Problems
Excessive decrease in ability to form blood clots can cause bleeding, leading to anemia, weakness and dizziness.
Report abnormal bleeding such as bruising easily, unusual bleeding around gums, blood in urine, or rectal bleeding to doctor at once.
› Pain
Stomach irritation can cause bleeding, leading to dizziness and fainting.
Do not take more than one type of pain or anti-inflammatory medication unless specifically directed by your doctor. Do not take aspirin with other types of anti-inflammatory medications. Do not mix with alcohol.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Allergy Medication & Insurance Coverage

Spring is here and allergy season is in full bloom!
A common complaint from allergy sufferers is that their insurance often does not cover allergy medication.
 CVS Pharmacist Kristen Wilmot says, "A lot of people just want an over-the-counter solution, but others who have tried all the OTC medicines will come in with a prescription for Allegra, let's say, and chances are, their insurance company doesn't want to cover it. What I've found is that insurance companies generally want them to use over-the-counter Claritin.
If they have used over-the-counter Claritin, and if their doctor makes the call, they may be able to get a prior authorization if their doctor explains that the OTC medicine is not working. But sometimes the insurance companies won't pay for it.
 A lot of the prescription medications are very expensive, and the insurance companies don't want to pay because they don't see allergies as a severe problem. I don't think they see allergies as the horrible thing that many people experience." 
If you are having this problem then we have the perfect solution for you! Just print a FREE AngelwealthRx – MedicationCard prescription discount card and present it to your pharmacist along with your prescription to receive up to 85% off the regular price at over 63,000 pharmacies nationwide.
No questions asked and no personal information needed! This card never expires and everyone and anyone can use it! Even your pets! So what have you got to lose?
It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!

Monday, April 14, 2014

An Encouraging Email!


Here's an encouraging email I received yesterday. It is good to know that these cards are truly helping people obtain their prescriptions! Get your FREE Prescription Discount Card At:


I used 1 of these cards for the 1st time, since my insurance is cut off, & I'm TRULY AMAZED THESE ARE LEGIT!! I'm suffering w/ Epidermolysis Bullosa, a rare, genetic, chronic skin condition that I was born with 25 years ago, which causes multiple severe disabilities and additional painful illnesses. I know many other patients (& other sick family& friends) who have to pay out of pocket & desperately need the savings. If I had access to my printer in storage or if I wasn't homebound/chronically disabled, I'd print out a bunch & pass them out. Fortunately, I saw that you can send as many as one needs for free. God bless you for that! I have an appointment Wednesday at my clinic, but I'm sure they won't arrive by then. I hope it's not adding too much if I ask for 4 dozen? I'd really appreciate it & the good deed providing these to families who need it will reward us later. Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Do You Have Candida Overgrowth?

You might be wondering, “What on earth is Candida?” Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, a very small amount of which lives in your mouth and intestines. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption but, when it is overproduced it breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems ranging from digestive issues to depression.
How do you get Candida overgrowth?
 The healthy or ‘good’ bacteria in your gut typically keeps your Candida levels in check. However, the Candida population can get out of hand if a round of antibiotics kill too many of those friendly bacteria, you have a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar (which feed the yeast), high alcohol intake, are taking oral contraceptives or any number of other factors including a high-stress lifestyle. Even a diet high in beneficial fermented foods like Kombucha, sauerkraut and pickles, can feed Candida causing an overgrowth.
10 Common Candida Symptoms
 1. Skin and nail fungal infections such as athlete’s foot,
 ringworm, and toenail fungus
 2. Feeling tired and worn down or suffering from
chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
 3. Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
 4. Autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis,
Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple Sclerosis
 5. Difficulty concentrating, poor memory,
lack of focus, ADD, ADHD and brain fog
 6. Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
 7. Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
 8. Vaginal infections , urinary tract infections,
 rectal itching or vaginal itching
 9. Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
 10. Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings
How do you test for Candida overgrowth?
Blood Test
 IgG, IgA, and IgM Candida Anti-bodies. These can be checked through most any lab. High levels of these antibodies indicate that an overgrowth of Candida is present. These can often be negative even when the stool or urine test is positive.
Stool Testing
 This is the most accurate test available. It will check for Candida in your colon or lower intestines. However, you need to make sure that your doctor orders a comprehensive stool test rather than the standard stool test. With the stool test, your stool is directly analyzed for levels of yeast. The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be effective.
Urine Organix Dysbiosis Test
 This test detects D-Arabinitol a waste product of Candida yeast overgrowth. An elevated test means an overgrowth of Candida. This test will determine if there is Candida in your upper gut or small intestines.
 How do you treat Candida overgrowth?
  Effectively treating Candida involves stopping the yeast overgrowth, restoring the friendly bacteria that usually keep them in check, and healing your gut so that Candida can no longer enter your bloodstream.
Getting rid of the Candida overgrowth primarily requires a change in diet to a low carbohydrate diet. Sugar is what feeds yeast, so eliminating sugar in all of its simple forms like candy, desserts, alcohol and flours. Reducing to only a few cups a day of the more complex carbohydrates such as grains, beans, fruit, bread, pasta, and potatoes will prevent the Candida from growing and eventually cause it to die. Eliminate all fermented foods as well.
 Using diet alone could take three to six months before the Candida is back under control. To expedite this process you can use an anti-fungal medication such as Diflucan or Nyastatin for a month or longer. You can also take a supplement of caprylic acid. Caprylic Acid comes from coconut oil and basically ‘pokes holes’ in the yeast cell wall causing it to die. You may read that some people recommend herbs such as oil of oregano. Oil of oregano can be very effective however it can kill good bacteria as well. The anti-fungal medications and caprylic acid are very specific to yeast and will not harm your good bacteria.
 It’s a must to restore the healthy bacteria that typically keep your Candida population under control, you should take probiotics on a regular basis. Taking anywhere from 25-100 billion units of probiotics should help to reduce the Candida levels and restore your levels of good bacteria. Finally, healing your gut, by eliminating inflammatory foods that can harm your GI tract and introducing foods that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, will prevent Candida from working its way through your body, and will dramatically improve your overall health.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Well another year has come and I’m still here!  This year is a time to make resolutions to become wiser, stronger, more attractive and more prosperous. I am always striving to be a better person and I hope you are too!
Yes, we're still handing out FREE prescription discount cards and I am proud to say people are benefiting from them. We are helping people afford their prescriptions while giving them a little financial peace of mind and a better quality of life. And yes we are making a small profit for our efforts, (In all toil there is profit!) but our bigger reward is just knowing that every person that uses our card to purchase their prescription medications is being helped.
 And that is a direct result of our efforts!
 Now, for all of you readers that are uninsured, or uninsurable, I urge you to check out the Affordable Care Act. Yes, it will be an extra expense for those people who are not currently paying an insurance premium.
But, if you are currently taking any medication or have any illnesses that may require medical attention the premium may be far cheaper then what you are currently paying for your doctor visits and/or medications. With Affordable Care Act insurance most of your medications will be free if you get them from a local pharmacy once a month or $10.00 if you get them every three months from a mail order pharmacy.

 And since Affordable Care Act premiums are based on your income you may qualify for an immediate tax credit which may pay up to 90% of your yearly premium. They also have very low cost dental insurance available.
 You never know when a major illness or injury may strike! And with the cost of medical care these days, one trip to the hospital could be a financial disaster. So check it out and see if it's right for you.
 As I stated earlier we are still giving away FREE prescription discount cards for people whose prescription medications are not covered by their insurance, do not have insurance, have not met their deductible for insurance or have not paid their premiums for their insurance. This card will give you a discount of up to 85% off the price of your prescription medications, it will never expire and this card can be used by anyone, even your pets! If you need or want this card you can get one absolutely free here. No strings attached!

 Remember, it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!