Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can I Save Money With Prescription Discount Cards?


How to Determine Whether or Not a Discount Prescription Drug Card Will Save You Money.

You can decide whether a discount drug card will be helpful to you by getting answers to the following questions:
  1. How much does it cost you to obtain the card? Some are free, but not all of them are. What are the fees, or what is the purchase price? If there are fees, are they one-time only? Or do they recur?

  2. Is the card honored at your pharmacy? If the card is not honored at your pharmacy of choice, are you willing to change pharmacies to be able to use their discount? If the drugs you need are available only through a mail-order pharmacy, do you have to pay additional shipping and handling costs?

  3. Does the card cover the drugs you take? Not every card will help pay for every drug. The more common the drug you take, the better chance you can get a discount. Some cards cover generic drugs and some do not.

Once you know the drug is covered, and that you can obtain the drugs through a pharmacy that is acceptable to you, then you'll want to check the price of the drug using the card. Then you'll want to ask:

  1. Have I compared the cost of my drug through my pharmacy with other pharmacies in my area, too?

  2. Can I get a lower price using this drug card than any other price I have found, even when I take into account the cost of obtaining the card, or shipping costs (if applicable)?

Once you have made the assessment for each card you are eligible for, you'll be able to determine your best option for saving money.

Where Can You Obtain a Free Prescription Drug Discount Card?

You can get your free AngelWealthRx-MedicationCard here!

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