Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Christmas Poem

Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho
From the housetop roof to the mistletoe
From the reindeer with his nose aglow
Yes! Christmas time is here.
Presents for the girls and boys
Bulb lit trees and lots of toys
See the faces full of joy
So take time to enjoy, oh
Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho
From the housetop roof to the mistletoe
From the reindeer with his nose aglow
Yes! Christmas time is here.
Sleigh bells that the snow will bring
Pretty bows on diamond rings
Christmas carols people sing
Jingle ling aling aling, oh!
Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho
From the housetop roof to the mistletoe
From the reindeer with his nose aglow
Yes! Christmas time is here.
Gingerbread and mincemeat pie
Eggnog taste good won‘t you try
Bake the turkey, never fry
And the onions make me cry, oh
Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho
From the housetop roof to the mistletoe
From the reindeer with his nose aglow
Yes! Christmas time is here.
It’s the greatest time of year
Full of laughter, love and cheer
Jesus makes the season clear
Peace on Earth Christmas is here oh!

Merry Christmas ho, ho, ho

From the housetop roof to the mistletoe
From the reindeer with his nose aglow

Yes! Christmas time is here!

Merry Christmas!
A Poem By Greg Porter

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tis the Season for Giving!

Spread some holiday cheer by giving free prescription discount cards with all your holiday transactions, mailings and giving. With lots of people shopping and making purchases around this time of the year, they often overlook buying their much needed medications just to have enough money to purchase holiday trimmings and presents
for friends & family.

 Give them a year-round gift by lowering their medication costs! It will help to eliminate the financial stress associated with the holidays and give them better physical and financial health.

Besides, these prescription discount cards are FREE for everyone, so you can give them with all your holiday cards and presents!
You can print your free cards online or order pre-printed cards sent to your mailing address! 

Help get rid of that holiday money Grinch!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Prescription Coverage and the Affordable Care Act

Prescription Drug Costs and Health Reform: FAQ

If you take a more than a few medicines and you're choosing a health insurance plan, look closely at each plan's drug benefits. Doing that homework could save you money on your prescriptions for the next year.

Got questions about prescription coverage? These answers may help you prepare and feel confident about comparing prescription benefits between health plans.

Do all health plans cover prescription drugs?

Yes. All health plans for sale in your state's Marketplace must offer prescription drug coverage. It's one of 10 essential benefits that plans must have, according to the Affordable Care Act.

Check the summary of benefits for plans offered by your employer to see if it covers prescription drugs.

Are prescription drug plans the same in every state?

No. All health plans in a Marketplace must include prescription drug coverage, but each state sets the list of covered medicines, called the formulary. For instance, one plan may have many more medicines in one category or class than another state does.

How do I know if a health plan will cover the medicines I take?

Check the plan's formulary, also known as a preferred drug list. You should be able to get this from any health plan you're considering. Sometimes a plan's formulary will be on its web site.

The formulary lists each brand and generic name of medicines that the plan will help pay for. To look for your medicines, you need to know:

  • The medicine's exact name

  • The dose you take

  • How many pills your doctor usually prescribes

Keep in mind that formularies can change. Medicines can be added or removed. A generic drug can replace a brand name one. Or one generic drug can replace another generic drug.

What if my medicine isn't on a plan's formulary?

If you can't find your medicine on a health plan's drug list in your state's Marketplace, you can request that your plan cover it or give you access to it.

You can request that your insurer cover a medication not on its formulary with the help of your doctor to explain the medical need.  If your request is denied, you have the right to appeal your health plan's decision.

What will I pay for medicines?

With some health plans, you pay a coinsurance for your medicines. This is a set percentage of the drug's cost, such as 30%. With some health plans, you pay a prescription  copay, which means you pay a fixed amount for each medicine you buy.

Many formularies have two or more cost levels, called tiers. The copayment for each tier will likely be different.  Higher level tiers cost you more. For instance, a third tier medicine costs more than a first tier one.

Many health plans have three or four tiers of costs:

  • Tier 1: Generic medicines, which cost the least

  • Tier 2: Preferred, brand-name medicines

  • Tier 3: Non-preferred, brand-name medicines

  • Tier 4: Specialty medicines, which are often costly, brand-name medicines. For instance, chemotherapy may be a fourth tier medicine.

Keep in mind that you may have a separate deductible for prescription drugs. You may need to pay it as well as a deductible for medical services. Look at a plan's summary of benefits about prescription medicines to see what you'd be responsible for paying.

After picking a health plan, how can I save money on my medicines?

You may be able to save more money even for medicines on your plan's formulary. Here's how:

Compare your medicine's price at local pharmacies. Some pharmacies also have a club where you can get a discount.

Check prices on online and mail-order pharmacies. First, make sure it’s a legitimate site. The FDA warns against the potential dangers of buying medicine on the Internet. Some signs of a trustworthy web site include:

  • It's located in the U.S.

  • It's licensed by the state board of pharmacy where the web site is operating. (Look for the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy's (NABP) Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites Seal, which is also called the VIPPS seal.)

  • The site has a licensed pharmacist available to answer your questions.

  • You need a prescription from your doctor to buy a medicine.

  • There is a phone number listed for a person you can talk to about a problem or to ask questions.

Set up a flexible-spending account (FSA). Some employers offer these. You determine an amount to come out of your paychecks over the year. That amount is taken out before taxes so you can use it to pay for health expenses, including medicines.

Check out a prescription assistance program. Many health plans and some states have a prescription assistance program. Look on for your state's program. is a FREE drug assistance program. To learn more about it, visit our website.

Get Free Postage


Friday, September 13, 2013

Building a Business in Uncertain Times

The mental and financial cost of starting a business in these modern times can be staggering, making the American Dream, just a dream for most budding entrepreneurs. Most business startups fail because people pay a lot of money to get started and just don’t have enough money to stay open until their business starts to make a profit. Other startups fail because of lack of patience, a small amount of money just trickles in and it seems like it’s not worth your time. People may even tell you that “It’s just not enough money for me to bother with it!” effectively making you give up from the strain of hearing their constant negative reasoning.

But I’ve always remembered what a wise man once said to me

“If you give up today,

 What are you going to do tomorrow?”

Now, ask yourself these questions;

Are you in business for more than money?

Do you really like what you are doing?

 Does your business help to make you feel fulfilled?

Are you helping others besides yourself?

 If you answered NO to any of these questions the business you are in may not be right for you.

Money will not motivate you forever and if you do not like what you are doing you will not do it long.

 If you are not being fulfilled by what you are doing you will look for fulfillment elsewhere.

And if you are helping only yourself you will become self-centered and discontented with life.

So with any startup you endeavor to pursue, ask yourself these questions before you spend your hard earned money and more importantly waste your valuable time on a venture you are destined to give up on.

Now, if you can answer YES to all of these questions concerning your business pursuit you are bound to go the distance and grow a successful business. Because even if the money is not flowing in you will continue, because you love doing it, you will continue. Because you feel fulfilled, you will continue. Because helping people makes you feel good, you will continue. Because you feel motivated, you will continue.

Perseverance and service to others are the keys to a successful business, in a good economy or a bad one. If you are looking for an  inexpensive business startup that may give you this,  click here.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Can I Save Money With Prescription Discount Cards?


How to Determine Whether or Not a Discount Prescription Drug Card Will Save You Money.

You can decide whether a discount drug card will be helpful to you by getting answers to the following questions:
  1. How much does it cost you to obtain the card? Some are free, but not all of them are. What are the fees, or what is the purchase price? If there are fees, are they one-time only? Or do they recur?

  2. Is the card honored at your pharmacy? If the card is not honored at your pharmacy of choice, are you willing to change pharmacies to be able to use their discount? If the drugs you need are available only through a mail-order pharmacy, do you have to pay additional shipping and handling costs?

  3. Does the card cover the drugs you take? Not every card will help pay for every drug. The more common the drug you take, the better chance you can get a discount. Some cards cover generic drugs and some do not.

Once you know the drug is covered, and that you can obtain the drugs through a pharmacy that is acceptable to you, then you'll want to check the price of the drug using the card. Then you'll want to ask:

  1. Have I compared the cost of my drug through my pharmacy with other pharmacies in my area, too?

  2. Can I get a lower price using this drug card than any other price I have found, even when I take into account the cost of obtaining the card, or shipping costs (if applicable)?

Once you have made the assessment for each card you are eligible for, you'll be able to determine your best option for saving money.

Where Can You Obtain a Free Prescription Drug Discount Card?

You can get your free AngelWealthRx-MedicationCard here!

Friday, May 17, 2013

All Prescription Discount Cards Are Not Created Equally!

“I don’t need a prescription discount card.”
 “I already have an Rx Plan.”  Or
“Yea, I’ve got one of those cards, I don’t need another one”

 Did you know that different prescription discount cards have different discounts?

Prescription discount card "discount prices" vary widely from card to card and pharmacy to pharmacy.

That is why you should have a card that has a drug price calculator online so you can price your prescriptions and pick your pharmacy before you purchase your medications. You will also know if your card is honored at that pharmacy, saving you time and money.

  Did you know that multiple prescription discount cards can be used to purchase multiple prescriptions at the same pharmacy?

A lot of people think they have to use one card all the time or keep using a card once they have it on file at the pharmacy. This is not true. You can use any prescription discount card that is honored at your chosen pharmacy and change these cards at any time; you can also use multiple cards at the same pharmacy if you have more than one prescription to fill. Let’s say you have to fill three prescriptions, you can use card “A” for the first prescription, card “B” for the second prescription and card “C” for the third prescription.
“You know it’s hard to find “Good Help” these days!

Remember to do your bargain shopping on the prescription card discount websites to avoid the lazy pharmacist who may not want to run each card through and  will tell you anything to keep him or her from doing a little work. Yes, this does happen, but if you arrive at the pharmacy knowing the price beforehand he or she is less likely to lie to you about your discount medication prices. The drug prices you view on the prescription discount card websites have been negotiated with these pharmacies, so these drug prices reflect the actual prices the pharmacies should be charging for each prescription. If you have any problems either with drug pricing or a pharmacy on our list that will not honor our discount card, get the pharmacist name, the name of the pharmacy and contact our customer service at
(888) 553-5751 use Group ID MCSAVE0037.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Worthwhile Business!


I’ve been in the prescription discount card business almost a year now and I must say it has been personally rewarding for me. Just knowing that I can help someone by easing their financial burden and allowing them to purchase their much needed medications, makes me feel good. With every card I give to a person at a restaurant, a super market, a park and everywhere I go, I get a startled look from the recipient. In these days of give, give, give people just don’t expect to receive much of anything in return, and are often caught off guard by the simple gesture of giving back. Some people don’t know how to handle it, others think there must be a catch or gimmick attached to it. Nothing is ever free!

 Now I know many of these cards end up in the trash because of the skeptics, but the people that do use the gift of these free cards and say a kind “thank you” or tell me in a heart-felt way “I know someone who really needs this!” help to make this prescription discount card business the most gratifying work from home business that I’ve encountered to this date. Here’s just a sample of the feedback I've received;


“Good looking out thanks a lot”

 “Thanks this is great.”


 “My sister uses the card and both of her girls.  She said that she saves at least 15% over her insurance PLUS she needed one med this week that she saved $50 on 1!!  So thank you very much. She is very appreciative.  I know my mom has one too but not sure how she is doing with it.  I'll have to let you know.  So I'm sharing :)”

So keep the feedback and emails coming as it helps to keep me happily motivated. And I will continue on my quest to help people afford the medications they desperately need in order to maintain their health.

Remember, the AngelWealthRx - MedicationCard prescription discount card is always free, never expires and everyone qualifies. If you haven’t gotten yours yet you can get one here. If you wish to receive free cards by mail you can order them here.

Now, if you need a discount to purchase prescriptions immediately just write down the following information and present it to the pharmacist:

BIN: 610219



UID: Your 10-digit phone number. 

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's New!

I am proud to say that we have a new updated website! Not only does it offer a better discount on your prescription medications (up to 85% off!) it is accepted at more than 63,000 pharmacies in the USA, including AK, HI, Guam and Puerto Rico!

Another new feature at our site is the "Drug/Pharmacy" tab which enables you to look up the cost of your prescription with the discount deducted and pick your preferred pharmacy online. Now you will know the actual cost of your prescriptions before you get to the pharmacy. We still offer affordable dental discount plans too!

Remember, this could be the difference between someone filling a prescription or doing without.

 So stop by our new site and take a look, you'll be glad you did!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Consumer Relief From Higher Drug Prices!



Consumers Need Relief from Rising Prescription Drug Prices

In response to news reports citing Bureau of Economic Analysis data that shows a 3.6 percent increase in prescription drug prices in 2012.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis data has confirmed the anecdotal evidence we’ve been hearing from consumers across the country: prescription drug costs continue to rise. The price of medicine went up twice the rate of inflation in 2012, even as other health care costs remained flat or decreased.

For years, Americans have been expected to quietly sit back while the price of their needed medications steadily rises. But consumers simply cannot continue to absorb these price hikes. It is unacceptable for the cost of one drug to jump 10 percent in a given year.

Americans are already struggling in this weak economy. Many, especially seniors with fixed incomes, have to make impossible choices, like whether to buy groceries for the week or medicine.
Record numbers of Americans are not filling prescriptions or are skimping on their recommended doses due to cost.

Consumers need swift relief from exorbitant prescription drug prices. But drug pricing policy changes that enable all Americans to afford their medications are unlikely to occur anytime soon. In the meantime, thankfully, there is an affordable immediate alternative: Prescription Drug Discount Cards.

Prescription discount cards are like "reusable prescription drug coupons", allowing consumers access to lower drug prices when filling or re-filling prescriptions. Simply present this medication savings card to the pharmacist to see if a discount is available on the prescription you're filling. These cards are free, pre-activated, with no paper work, no deductibles, never expires, and everyone will qualify.

 More than a million Americans depend on this virtual lifeline each year, saving from 50-80 percent on their medications.

We encourage consumers affected by exorbitant drug prices to visit our
website to learn more about finding a legitimate online solution and protecting their ability to access safe, affordable medications.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Letter to Ryan

Hi Ryan,

I've been distributing cards since May 2012 and I have made my initial investment back and I have established a monthly residual income working part-time.

  I have found that the more you put into this business the more you get back, not only monetarily but emotionally, for the rewards of putting a smile on someone’s face and making their day or hearing them say "Thank You I Really Needed This!" cannot be priced.

or you just want to create ads on the internet,

 but you desire a business helping people that is rewarding,

with monthly residual income,

and a business  that you can manage and grow from home,

 then this is the right business for you.


 A wise man once said...
"It is better to have it and not need it,
than to need it and not have it!"
  Have a Great Day!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why Businesses Should Consider the AngelWealthRx - MedicationCard Prescription Card Program.

The AngelWealthRx- MedicationCard affiliate program is a great way for you to give back to your employees and clients. Most small companies do not have enough money to invest in order to expand their company, let alone invest in their employees by providing them with health insurance. A great way for these companies to keep a good, professional image and help their employees would be through this Prescription Discount Card program. This program allows them to help their employees by saving hundreds of dollars in prescription discounts at 63,000 pharmacies nationwide. Another beneficial way of utilizing thiscard is to give it out to your clients along with their purchased products and services. Not only are you helping your clients by selling those services and products, but you will also be able to help them save money by giving out these free cards.

There are numerous benefits to having the AngelWealthRx - MedicationCard discount prescription card. Not only is it free to hand out, but you will also earn a commission whenever someone  you have given it too uses it in order to get a discount. It’s definitely a win- win situation! You are helping to create a better image for your business, establishing a good relationship with your clients and earning money at the same time.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Brochures Help Spread the Word!

After talking with many people about the benefits of our discount prescription cards, I have found that I am asked the same questions time and time again. Who is doing this? Why are they doing this? How much does it cost? How much will I save? Who can use it?  What is the expiration date? People are skeptical about everything that is labeled “FREE” nowadays and need a lot of information before they decide to get involved with anything that could obligate them or separate them from their hard earned money. I can’t say I blame them, the scams and cons today are endless. In my internet travels to find the right business opportunity; I have encountered more scams than I care to share. One good thing that came out of all my exploits is the ability to recognize a real opportunity from a fly by night, get rich quick scheme. So believe me when I tell you that this business opportunity is different. It will not make you rich financially, but it does have substantial value not only for the card distributor, but for the card user as well. So if your goal is to make money while you help people save money, this is great opportunity for you. If you are not interested in a business opportunity at this time, help someone by just printing a card and keeping in your purse or wallet to pass along to a friend, relative or loved one who may be in need of it. They will be glad to receive this discount card and you will feel rewarded by giving it.

 Now, in light of all the repetitive questions, we have created this brochure.

I hope this will help to give a much clearer view of the prescription discount card’s benefits and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the program. Want us to mail you one? Visit us at and click on the "Order Cards" tab. Thanks for reading this blog!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

It’s a new year! Time to help more, do more, be more! 
Are you up for the challenge? Why sure you are!

The word is slowly but surely spreading about the benefits of this prescription discount program and I have received many expressions of gratitude from people all across the country that have used it. Still there are many, many people that are unaware that these cards exist, therefore there is still a need to inform every American that free prescription cards are available to everyone, not just seniors or children. So I look forward to this task in the coming months as I continue to spread the word about these helpful discounts to the masses. Why? Because there is no greater reward or feeling you can receive than to hear that you have helped someone and made their day a little brighter.

So keep those emails coming as they are the best motivator ever!

 You know a lot of people make New Year’s Resolutions…. To lose weight……make more money…..become more social.

How about a resolution to help one person you don’t know this year? It just might be rewarding!  Are you up to the challenge? Get a free prescription discount card here.